Up Your Breakfast Game

health Dec 07, 2020
Want to up your breakfast game without turning to eggs every day?
I’ve got you. 
If you’re working on getting your nutrition in check, breakfast is suuuuper important! It’s the first meal of the day, and the first opportunity you have to nourish your body well. This meal sets the tone for the day! 
I’m an egg fan. I eat a decent amount of them every week. But I realize that not everyone likes them and some people can’t tolerate them.
So if this is you or you’re just looking to switch it up, here’s some alternate ideas! Prioritizing protein is crucial in building/maintaining muscle, as well keeping satiety levels (fullness feelings) in check, so you’ll see protein emphasized in the meal ideas below! 
Check out these ideas, and let me know if you’re going to try any of them! 
  • Plain greek yogurt with a “Paleo" granola. Sometimes I'll add a tablespoon of preserves/agave/pure maple syrup to sweeten it up a little bit (still has less sugar than flavored yogurt). I like the Paleo granolas because they're low in sugar, higher in good fat from seeds and nuts, and lower in carbohydrates. Bonus points if you make your own (I’m not on that level yet, ha!).


  • Chicken or turkey sausage - patties or ground. Pair this with some veggies if you're going with ground meat, and you’ve got a perfect meal. Add some fruit and/or a piece of toast on the side. 
  • Avocado toast - I love adding Everything But the Bagel Seasoning from Trader Joes and also sometimes sprouts. Choose a high quality bread like Ezekiel sprouted wheat, which naturally has more protein than traditional bread and doesn’t spike your blood sugar nearly as much. Add seeds for texture and more protein! If you’re open to eggs, having some hard boiled eggs on hand that you can cut up and add on top makes this a perfectly balanced meal (ok sorry, couldn’t get through the whole breakfast post without mentioning eggs).
  • Overnight oats - there are tons of ways to make these interesting, but I like adding some agave or preserves to these to sweeten them a little. If I do oats and don’t add protein powder to them, I will almost always do a protein on the side. You choose which kind! 
  • Cottage cheese with fruit - I know some people can’t stomach it, but if you like cottage cheese and can handle dairy, this can be a great option!  
  • If you're into smoothies, Kelly LaVeque has the best recipes out there. They're all well balanced and prioritize protein. Here's a link to her page: Kelly's Awesome Smoothies

Let me know if you try any of these! Bon Appetit. :) 

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