Five Nutrition Tips for Newbies (And anyone, really!)

health Jan 12, 2021

FIVE NUTRITION TIPS FOR NEWBIES (and everyone, really): 

  1. Prioritize protein at every meal. Protein keeps you feeling fuller and satisfied longer. Aim for 20-30 grams per meal at a minimum.
  2. Eat veggies at 2 or more meals per day. Work up to 5 servings per day. 
  3. Keep it simple. Buy pre-cooked chicken, pre made salads, frozen or pre-chopped veggies. Cook enough food for leftovers, and have go-to meal ingredients on hand (meals that are easy and take less than 5 minutes).
  4. Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you’re full. Pay attention to those first feelings of fullness, and decide when you’ll take your last bite. 
  5. Don’t try to cut out your favorite foods. Take away the novelty of food by allowing yourself to eat your favorite foods when you want to. Prioritize the things above, and you’ll likely want those “fun” foods far less.
Questions? Ask them in the comments below! Let’s get you started on your nutrition journey.

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